Avoid Technology Isolation

It can be lonely to stare at a screen all day, even if the device we are looking at provides an interactive experience. We are human beings, designed to be connected. Human connection releases oxytocin in the brain, calming anxiety and thereby increasing our ability to sustain new learning. So how can we use technology to connect rather than isolate?

Using technology to make connections:

  • Focus on the 4 Cs – When coaching educators, focus on student collaboration and communication, two of the 4 Cs. When you focus on the 4 Cs, the tech takes care of itself. Instead of asking teachers what tool they want to use, ask them how students will connect together during the learning experience. If a teacher suggests think-pair-share, this is your chance to bring up flipgrid as a video conversation tool.
  • Asynchronous Does Not Equal Independent – Self-paced learning is excellent for building metacognition, but it need not isolate students from one another. Embed collaboration and communication into asynchronous activities using digital discussion platforms and collaborative files.

Want more support? Keep an eye out for our upcoming book The Complete EdTech Coach: An Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning, and in the meantime, visit techcoachjuarez.com and wonderexplorelearn.com for a growing bank of resources designed for you.