Technology Integration – An Organic Approach

It can be tempting to focus on a particular tech platform, app, or tool for to be used universally across a single school site or district. This can appear to be a way to maximize training time, streamline an approach to integration, and ensure all teachers are on the same page. While it may seem counterintuitive, a grass-roots organic approach, rather than a top-down mandate, fosters greater sustainability and better learning for both educators and students.

Why an organic approach? Why move away from a mandated, one-size fits all approach?

  • We serve people, not initiatives. Just as students come to us with unique strengths and opportunities for growth, so do our teachers. 
  • Decision makers own the work. When we empower educators (and students!) by guiding them toward technology integration options, they are more invested in making it work in their context.

Want more support? Keep an eye out for our upcoming book The Complete EdTech Coach: An Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning, and in the meantime, visit and for a growing bank of resources designed for you.